I was so, so ashamed.

I stood in front of the oven, watching my pie of failure bake shamefully in the oven. The crust looked burnt. The pumpkin looked too jiggly.

I had never made such a mistake.

I couldn’t even blame it on outside forces, like a shoddy oven.

Me, being silly, distracted, and far too excited to make a pumpkin pie only gave the can of pumpkin with the recipe a glance. It told me to pour the entire can into the pie shell, and so I did.

I proceeded to pour the entire can of condensed milk in as well, which is where my problem started.

It only took the mix overflowing from the pie shell to indicate to me that I had made an error.

Apparently I was supposed to only put in 2/3 of a cup of condensed milk.


I poured some out, trying to limit the amount of pumpkin that flowed.

The pie made it out of the oven just fine. It was just a little too mushy.

But the shame will last forever.

What’s the worst baking mistake you’ve ever made?