Tag Archives: chocolate

Minty Fresh



Last week, I was looking for something sweet to make and send B’s brother because he is a freshman in college and sick with mono. I remembered that he liked mint chocolate chip ice cream, so I found this recipe from Little Dairy on the Prairie on ever-faithful Pinterest.

The batter was straight-up luscious. Strangely (and awesomely), it was the texture of ice cream after I mixed all of the goodies up. And the real peppermint oil that was swirled in made them smell and taste so fresh and so tasty. (That was a so fresh and so clean joke, sorry it failed).

You may ask how they tasted? I leave you with this screenshotted Snapchat:


Photo of the Day: A delicious chocolate raspberry cake I had at the Canebrake in Tulsa. Amazing resort with even better food.


Photo of the Day: Some shortbread cookies I made for B and his family a few months ago! While they were incredibly difficult to roll out, once they managed to form into recognizable shapes they were delicious! The blue is actually white chocolate, too. Yum yum.


Photo of the day: my dinner. Nothing sounded good to me—except for breakfast. No healthy English muffin for me. Those are chocolate chip pancakes, super floppy bacon (just the way I like it) and a fried egg.

Get on my level.

Nice to meet you, here’s dessert.


The short version: I’m meeting most of my boyfriend’s family next week for spring break. I would like to bake something to bring them.

The rules: It must transport well. I’m taking it on a three hour flight.

The ideas: Brownies? Cookies? Bars?

The suggestions: They enjoy chocolate. Not so much on mint.

Help me, y’all!



Death By Chocolate (by kalina813)

The detail. The chocolate.



Eggs (by Bonnie Colette Seager)

My second favorite part of Easter (behind Jesus) is Cadbury eggs. Especially those crunchy-coated robin’s eggs.


A time lapse.



salted caramel chocolate torte pie.

I just might make this as an “I survived this week” present. To myself.