Tag Archives: winter


Photo of the Day: me, all bundled up yesterday for the Route 66 Half marathon. It was a little chilly.


Photo of the Day: it’s a little chilly and wet here in Oklahoma City.

Cold Weather Running for the Scared and Shivering


You all know I’m running in the Route 66 Marathon this weekend, and it’s finally time to start my favorite part: packing! Here’s what I’m bringing to ensure that I have perfect control over everything I CAN control (i. e. everything but the fact that there might be snow on the ground).


1. My Mizuno Wave Rider 16s. They’re kind of important for the running to occur. Also, three pairs of running socks. Because I am a chronic sock loser.

2. Running tights. I got mine from TJMaxx about a year ago, but I’ll be bringing 2 pairs to the race because I will probably need both of them. Layering is key, kids!

3. Armband for my tunes. At the OKC Half, I held my phone in my hand, but I don’t want to risk dropping my phone thanks to the cold giving me stiff fingers.

4. My Lululemon half zip. I don’t think they carry it anymore, but it’s closest to the Star Runner pullover. It’s great at wicking sweat and also super warm.

5. Running gloves (with fingertips that work with an iDevice). It’s cold. Self explanatory. I’ll have B on the course to hand these off to in case they’re too warm.

6. A fuel belt. Not sure if I’m going to wear one with water bottles or one with just a pocket for foods. I was well hydrated without my own water during OKC, so I will probably be fine without it this time.

Other things I won’t be able to live without:

hot hands

sweats for the drive home

a scarf?

throwaway gear from Goodwill?




Boots with bows? Yes, please!

if any of my followers know where to get these, please message me!! I need new brown boots for recruitment and these are perfection!

Where. Need. Now.

I actually do need my winter boots re-heeled (is that a word?). I literally wore them out. They’re still gorgeous, but I could be persuaded to just buy these…


What I Wore: I was inspired by one of Jessica Quirk’s outfits and styled this myself tonight. Shirt: Old Navy, Sweater: Target, Pants: Target.

Winter Weather Staples (not the metal kind)


For the past week or so, I’ve been stocking up on my winter fashion basics. In between buying belts at Target and boots at Steve Madden, I thought I’d share them with all of you!

1. Steve Madden “Lindley” boots


I’m currently wearing a Lindley lookalike, the Roady boots from last season, but the Lindley’s are close enough to recommend to all of you! They’re great for tucking jeans or wearing with a pencil skirt and pattern tights for a day on the job (or a night on the town).

2. Infinity scarves

I didn’t actually buy my infinity scarf; it was given to me by the church that I work at. Mine is grey with thick stripes and I love love love it! It’s perfect for keeping my neck warm in that fierce Oklahoma wind. I’d pick a substantially thick one over a long one, but both are warm and stylish. Go with earth tones so that you compliment the leaves on the ground.

3. North Face “Denali” jacket

I know, I know. You’re going to blend in with nearly everyone when you wear this jacket, but that’s just because everyone is smart. North Faces are warm, cozy, and great for throwing over any outfit while you trudge to class in the cold. They aren’t the cutest thing in the world, but you will be relatively warm and waterproof. And black goes with everything, right?!

4. Skinny belts, pencil skirts, patterned tights

I actually wore this combo out to dinner at Victoria’s on Campus Corner Friday night. Skirt from Gap + blue button down from Forever 21 + patterned tights from Target + skinny belt from Target + grey sweater from J. Crew = winter cuteness. Feel free to mix it up at your discretion.

What do you like to wear when (baby) it’s cold outside?