Tag Archives: summer


Photo of the Day: A SOOC (straight out of camera) shot from yesterday’s photoshoot!


Photo of the Day: Summer sun, sweat, and chlorine. Pool day with my sisters!

(And let’s all say a little prayer for the state of BB’s sunburn…that poor ginger girl.)



They get snowcones with you, even though you’ve been eating snowcones at a rate of like 4 a week.

snow cone, summer, fun, sister,

One is such a lonely number.

snow cone, summer, fun, sister,

Much better together.

Later, we snuggled in bed with the puppies and watched “Girls” and “The Newsroom” and read Cosmo.

Love you, D!

“You Didn’t Know I Liked Sour Things?”


We’ve been dating a year and a half, and somehow it hadn’t come up yet.

But, there we stood, my boyfriend and I, brandishing our OU IDs for free Eskimo Sno, and there I was, asking the spiky-haired owner for the most sour flavor he had.

He doped my ice up with wild cherry and sour apple, then sprayed it with a mysterious liquid.

He sprayed it many, many times.

He said, “Try that and see if it’s good enough.”

(It’s brown because it’s evil)

I spooned out a hefty amount and put it in my mouth.

My face twisted in sweet (and sour) agony. It’s hard for me to describe HOW SOUR this snocone was because just thinking about it is making my mouth seize, and it’s really distracting.

“That’s pretty good,” I choked out.

I couldn’t even finish the whole thing, but I made a quite valiant effort, if I do say so myself.

Sour spray usually costs 25 cents extra. While my bank account could spring for the extra thrill, my tastebuds really couldn’t handle it.

Summer Vacation is Over


Hey, y’all!

I’ve returned from my internet embargo (aka West Texas), and after eating way too many popsicles and taking several naps a day, I’m ready to start posting again!

Also, I’ve shopped maybe way too much in the past three weeks, so get ready for some epic fashion posts!

If I blog about it, that means I can write it off my taxes, right?!

Top 10 Things I Miss About the Summer

  1. Having time to blog. Seriously, y’all. I miss it! I’m subsisting on reblogs accompanied by my witty commentary until I have a week where I’m not working on a project worth half my grade.
  2. Watching TV/Netflix. Haven’t seen anything in forever. I miss my weird documentaries.
  3. Free time. Self explanatory.
  4. Having time to go out and practice photography. This is something I’d really like to learn, but to take at class on it at OU I’m pretty sure I have to own a DSLR. 
  5. Making my own meals!
  6. Not having to spend money on stupid textbooks that aren’t useful and half the time aren’t used.
  7. Seeing friends!
  8. Seeing family!
  9. Seeing my dogs. I have serious animal attachment. I must look at cute pictures of animals like every day or my brain rots.
  10. My swimming pool.

What do YOU miss about those dog days of summer?